Staying Safe in Port on Your Cruise

Top Tips for Safe Cruise Travelers

Most people on cruises don’t have any problem when they’re in port. Besides major, crazy, and rare events (like robberies), we don’t hear about many port-side crime victims when we look up cruise news. But when traveling abroad, either on a cruise or just overseas, there is always a chance for happy travelers to be the target of schemes, scams, and pickpockets. This is especially true for large excursion groups and huge cruise ships that sail into port – there’s no way to hide your “tourist” presence on many cruise trips! So, this month, in preparation for the busy cruise season, we’re giving you the best steps to make sure that you stay safe and keep your money secure when traveling into your Bahamas and Mexico ports. Important reminder: most cruisers stay safe one way or another; we’re not trying to scare you! But it never hurts to be aware of the risks and know what you can do to stay safe.

1. Be Aware of Potential Crimes

Like everything you should be doing on your cruise – from port excursions to cruise line choices to dining times – you should be researching which crimes are “popular” at your different destinations. When travelling from Port Canaveral, your cruise will probably stop in the Bahamas, Caribbean, or Mexico. Before sailing, see what small or big crimes have been cropping up at your stops. This will let you pay attention to areas you’ll want to avoid, groups of people to keep an eye out for, and potential scams. Read the local newspaper for your ports of call in preparation. It’s always good to be informed, and it’ll cut down on how often you might get caught unawares while exploring.

You can also call your cruise or ask your cruise director while you’re on your ship. On every cruise line, the crew is obligated to inform you of potential risks at the locations you’ll be visiting. The cruise line itself should be the best informed about anything you might encounter off the ship, so don’t be afraid to inquire!

2. Keep a Low Profile

Americans are some of the top targets for crimes while cruising. This is because there are stereotypes for wealthy American travelers, and often it is easy to spot groups of Americans. Don’t emphasize that you’re a foreign tourist! By blending in more, you’re drastically lowering your chances of getting targeted. You can do this by wearing toned down clothing (at least off the cruise ship), talking at a normal or quieter volume, and minimizing wearing expensive or bold clothes and jewelry. You can also do more to “dress for success” by keeping away from fanny packs, putting your purse across your chest, and placing your wallet and other valuables in your front pockets. You may consider investing in pickpocket-proof gear, but don’t go overboard and advertise that your hiding money on your person.

3. Follow Best Practices for Travel

Traveling abroad, on a cruise, or from state to state is almost always as safe as just visiting the next town over. The biggest difference between being a target and being safe is being aware. Follow the best practices for traveling no matter where you go, and you’ll minimize your already-low chances of being a victim of crime! These couple of follow-up tips are like icing on the cake for safety while cruising.

Stay in a group. Safety in numbers is a real strategy for traveling. If you’re going to be a touristy traveler, make sure you’re teaming up with 4 or 5 other tourists to discourage scam artists and pickpockets. Groups mean that there are more eyes on your stuff and you’ll be a harder target for anyone trying to pull one over on you. Just make sure that you know the people that you’re going around with!

Don’t take everything with you when you go ashore. It’s easier to cancel one credit card and lose a photocopy than it is to hand over your actual passport, whole wallet, IDs, and cash to a mugger or thief. Minimizing your loss if you ARE victimized is an easy way to save time and money.

Leave your phone in your room. Smartphones are a HUGE target for thieves. They are easy to steal and are usually very expensive. Save yourself heartache by taking a disposable camera ashore and leaving your expensive phone back at the ship.

Best of all, you should stay sober off the ship. The hoppin’ bar scene might be very tempting but getting tipsy away from the ship without someone to watch your back means that you turn yourself from a safe person into an easy victim. Don’t risk your wallet for a couple of drinks!

Stay Safe!

Now that you know the best ways to stay safe while travelling, it’s time to make sure your car is just as secure! Don’t take the risk with sketchy parking or dark parking garages. Use a trusted, local, and secure parking facility like Park N Cruise when you sail from Port Canaveral!

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